ode to Target

Oh Target, how do I love thee?
Without you my life would be empty – or at least my house would be.
I remember when I was first learning how to shop as a teenager,
your allure was irresistable – as were your frozen diet cokes.
It was the perfect place to buy earrings, shoes and other items a teenage girl loves.

In college you were the first stop I made when I moved to campus.
We bought all the necessities for my dorm room: a desk lamp, funky shelves, microwave popcorn and diet coke.
And whenever we went to the mall, a visit with you was always in order.

My first apartment was cleaned with products from your shelves.
My closet was filled with items from your racks.
On my walls hung items carefully selected from your aisles.
When my husband built a budget for us he had categories: car payment, utilities and Target.

As I moved on to a house and kids, you were always there for me.
Diapers, baby clothes, wrapping paper.
Paper towels, laundry soap, placemats.
M&Ms, socks and toothpaste.
Your bullseye logo was one of the first signs my children recognized.
Even today if we need something, my youngest is convinced we just need to go to Target – because you have everything.

I know all your different layouts, and have my preferences.
I can shop in my favorite Target blindfolded.
You carry things I need like laundry detergent and sweat pants for $1.50 on clearance.
But you also carry things that make me laugh so loudly that other people stare – like the new Shake Weight.

Other stores may carry your balance of items for self, home and bathroom.
But no other store does it with your panache.
No other store could take your place.
Oh, Target. How would I live without you?

1 thought on “ode to Target

  1. How ironic… Anna and I literally just walked in the door from Target! After years of going to the store, I just recently learned that if your bill is under $50 you don’t sign the receipt. I have no idea how long that has been the case, but it goes to show that it is next to impossible for me to walk out of that store for under $50! See you tomorrow!!

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