my leg lamp

You know the movie A Christmas Story? Of course you do, it’s a classic. There’s a part in the movie when the husband wins a “major award” – the frag-i-le leg lamp. And from the moment it comes out of the box he loves it – and his wife hates it. She does a variety of not-so-subtle things to make it less a feature of their home until finally it mysteriously breaks.

I want you all to know that I have a leg lamp in my house.

Not literally mind you – though they are available for sale – but I have something that my husband adores and I can barely stand. It is a blanket. A very large, very heavy, very blue & pink plaid (yes, really), Mexican style blanket. In fact, I think it may have come from Mexico on one of his baseball trips as a college student.

I will agree it is the warmest blanket in the house. It is also the ugliest. And the sight of it on my couch makes me cringe. But no matter how many times I fold it and tuck it away, shove it in the closet, try to make it disappear – it comes back. I will put it away and magically it is back on the couch… taunting me with its plaid fringe. I seriously think it has a life of its own.

Ugh… good thing warmer weather is on the way so I can at least get it out of my sight for a few months.

4 thoughts on “my leg lamp

  1. Listen it is the only blanket in house that is not a 5 ft blanket. If we had a longer blanket I would use that one. (But I still wouldn’t let you throw it out)

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