pausing to feel grace

I haven’t done a post in a while where I took a moment to feel the grace that is around me. And on a morning when I woke up to a house that is 58 degrees because someone (that would be me) refused to turn the heat on in April, I could use some small bits of grace to warm me up. Don’t feel sorry for me though – feel sorry for my house guests from L.A. who are probably shivering upstairs under four layers of blankets and cussing me out. As my husband noted, I’m like a large office building or school – once I switch the heat off for the year it does not go back on!

So, what am I thankful for?

– the best running partners in the world, better yet some of the best friends I’ve ever had: one of whom forwarded a blog that says a lot about how my past four months have been. In a nutshell that article reminded me that, alone I can’t but together we can.

– sunshine and sand: yes, it’s 32 degrees outside today (which is wrong, poor flowers and tree blossoms). But last week it was close to 80 and I got to go to the beach. I’m still thankful that my feet have been in the sand this year.

– a weekend in the city: we’ve got tickets to see Billy Elliot Saturday night and thanks to the kindness of my mother-in-law, we’ve also got dinner reservations and a hotel room waiting for us. Ahhh… definitely thankful for a mini-vacation with my husband!

– spring has bloomed: when the kids and I went to Louisville last week (10 days ago) there were a few crocuses around but no other real signs of spring. Since then we’ve got lush green grass, trees bursting with blooms, daffodils and even a few tulips… when spring pops out it is a refreshing, thankful sight.

– J’s call to me in the middle of the night: he was cold and had to use the bathroom, he called me up to “make a warm spot” for him in his bed. So cute I didn’t even mind waking up for it.

– seeing family from far away that we normally only see in December
– getting a hug from an 11 year old who has been dishing out more eye rolls than I can count lately
– making two new recipes this week that both turned out really good

There’s a lot of grace to feel when you take a few moments to notice.

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