things I see for which I give thanks

Last Wednesday I declared Wednesdays in November to be days of thanksgiving. Combining that with this photo journal took a bit of thinking. I thought about posting pictures of my favorite running paths. I’ve already posted pictures of the kids and most days I’m thankful for them. I thought about pictures of food – I’m always thankful for food. But then I remembered, I’m trying to capture a small moment from each day this week. So what was I thankful for at that moment? I was thankful for my kitchen. I know, I know last week I made a list of things in my house for which I’m thankful. But bear with me because it’s getting cold outside so right now, that kitchen is the center of my house. It’s where I feed my family, gather my friends, do crafts, read stories, take a little break with a diet coke and a magazine and oversee homework.

I’d like to give thanks for these things that I saw yesterday in my kitchen:

Homework happening. Peacefully (for a time) and the kindergartner was so excited he had homework to do alongside his big sister.

A nice glass of wine at the end of the day. I was making risotto – you have to drink a glass of wine when you’re doing all that stirring.

The cup of tea I made after all the little ones were tucked into bed. Partly because it’s nice to hold a warm cup on a chilly night. Partly because I’m attempting to soothe my throat which has decided it is tired of talking this week.

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