Breakfast Book Review: The Black Cauldron

The Tales of Prydain do not disappoint! This second book was just as exciting as the first. The kids were even more engaged this time around because they know the main characters and are really rooting for them to succeed. There is one point in the tale where someone dies and the kids were so afraid it might be one of their favorites that they begged me to read ahead just to see if it was so they could brace themselves. (It wasn’t, whew!)

Much like the first book, this tale follows Taran and his loyal companions on a quest. The decisions are heavy ones for our hero but the reward is mighty at the end. Along the way they meet some terrifying bad guys, fight some big battles, encounter some downright odd characters and grow as individuals and as friends. The message is a strong one – loyalty, honesty and doing the right thing.

Grades from the breakfast-eating audience:

E (9yo) and J (6yo) – they graded this together: Definitely an A! There is so much happening in every chapter! When they decided at the very beginning to go get the Black Cauldron I just knew something major was going to go wrong. Whew – this story kept us excited all the way to the end.

One of the things I’m especially enjoying about this series is that each book can truly stand on its own as a solid story. They are richer as they build on each other, but in and of itself this book was an entertaining & exciting read-aloud selection. We’re already into book 3: The Castle of Llyr.

What is the Breakfast Book idea? I believe there’s value in reading aloud to my kids at all ages. I used to read aloud to them at night. But as they got older their bedtimes got staggered, practices and homework happen and sitting down together to read to all of them wasn’t happening. I decided to try reading a chapter to them all during breakfast and it has been a big success in many ways. Want to see all our book selections so far? Click on the Breakfast Book category on the right side of this page.

1 thought on “Breakfast Book Review: The Black Cauldron

  1. I bought book one, but I haven’t read it yet. Your blog today has encourage me to get on it. Carl is now traveling I will have free time.

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