I don’t do chain letters either

I’ve been tagged in blog memes before and ignored them. Just like I ignore chain emails that come my way – yes even the ones that have to do with food and recipes. Just like I threw away chain letters that I received in the mail when I was younger. I don’t like the implied (or overt) obligations that are involved.

While I’m confessing non-conformist tendencies… I never liked sitting in a circle as a child. I don’t like ordering the same thing as someone else when we’re out to dinner. And I will never do something just because “everyone else does.” Never.

This week a friend tagged me in her 11 Random Things blog. I’m not fully participating (Sorry, Bari) but I will answer her 11 questions. It’s a fun way to learn a little bit more about me and I like to learn more about the person behind blogs. If you want to read random things about me, read my 100 Random Things post.

1. What’s your go-to, pumps you up every time, workout song?
– Shake That by Eminem

2. Cat or dog?
Neither. They make me sneeze and frankly, I’m just not much of a pet person.

3. Team Jacob or Team Edward?
Jacob. Though I’ve never seen the movies. I did read the books because I wasn’t sure they were appropriate for my then 10yo daughter (they weren’t but she did read them a little while later). I thought they were entertaining enough, except for the last one. That last book was awful.

4. Beer, wine or mixed drink, and what’s your favorite?
Totally depends on my mood. I would say a good red ale is one of my most favorite drinks ever. But I’ll never turn down a margarita. Or a cosmo, but when I drink too many cosmos I’ve been known to wander to neighbor’s houses and do things like this:

5. Do you have a “good luck” charm of some kind when you race? (a hat you always wear, hair always in the same style, lucky undies, etc)
Nope. Though I do always try out my race outfit before a long race.

6. What’s your favorite iPhone or Android app and why should I download it (if it’s iPhone)?
I probably play Words With Friends the most. But the app I love to have when my friends are here and we’re all trying to remember a song or a band or a movie is the IMDB app.

7. Have you always had the same career and was it what you originally studied?
No way. My current job didn’t even exist when I was in college. I did study literature & business so I was bound to do some sort of writing for business. But I never could have imagined the Internet then and I certainly didn’t expect to be working from home with my children.

8. Have you ever run in a costume and what was it?
Nope. I’m pretty focused on only wearing what’s comfortable while running.

9. Who would play you in a movie about your life, and who would play your significant other?
Julie Bowen because she plays the uptight, control freak character so well. Who would play my significant other?? How about Ben Affleck just because I’d like the excuse to hug him. And he’s tall, I have a thing for tall men.

10. Do you have a nickname, and if yes, what is it?

11. If you could eat only one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Pizza. It’s got all the food groups and yet is total comfort food. Plus it goes along so nicely with that red ale I mentioned earlier.

Got any other questions for me?

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